Vaginal discharge

Let’s talk about vaginal discharge or secretions because they are important in indicating good health!

Generally, they appear about 6 months to 1 year before the first period. This is due to the fact that the secretions evolve with hormone levels. But afterwards, vaginal discharge will manifest itself daily throughout the menstrual cycle.

The discharge has different colors, textures, and quantities depending on the moment. Which is fascinating! Above all, keep in mind that their role is to clean, renew, lubricate and protect the vagina at all times. So, they are essential to maintain good health.

Vaginal discharges are a sign of good health when they are:

  • White, off-white, or transparent
  • Thin, slightly sticky, thick or slimy
  • Without burning, itching or redness
  • Odorless or with a slight odor

Finally, they change their appearance according to the moments of the cycle:

Some key tips for maintaining good health would be:

  • Wipe back and forth when using the bathroom. This will prevent infections and  the spread of germs to the vagina
  • Avoid scented soaps or cleansers
  • Choose cotton underwear
  • Regularly change menstrual products when on your period
  • Protect yourself during sexual intercourse


Dans ma culotte : le blog. Pertes Blanches : Pourquoi Les Femmes En Ont Et A Quoi Servent-Elles ?  Récupéré de

Émancipées. Les pertes vaginales. Récupéré de 

Healthline. Guide des pertes vaginales : qu’est-ce qui est normal et quand devez-vous appeler votre médecin ? Récupéré de 

John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. Puberty for Girls. Récupéré de 

Teens Health. Je n’ai jamais eu mes règles, alors quelle est cette décharge ? Récupéré de